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Friday, November 13, 2009

A Classical, Christian Self-Education blog

Excerpted from my new blog...
I am combining my Self-Education of Pat blog and my Presbyterian in McComb blog and I am broadening and tweaking the focus a bit. This will be a blog on my reading and self-education,as well as our family's classical model homeschooling of our children. Religion and theology, as the mother of all of academia, is a fitting part of this blog niche - but you will also see posts and reviews on a broader selection of things that I'm reading.
I will be leaving the Presbyterian in McComb blog active as a resource page and for occasional tightly-focussed posts that may not fit here, but (nearly) all of its' older content will be moved to The Self-Education of Pat.
Please, if you are subscribed to Presby in McComb, direct your feed reader to the feeds at The Self-Education of Pat to stay up to date.
Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? ... (Isaiah 43:18-19; ESV)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One of my faves...

"Shifting Sands" by Caedemon's Call
Looking for a good Church in McComb, MS or elsewhere? .

A Classical Christian Self-Education